Науково-практичний журнал "Залізничний транспорт України" ISSN 2311-4061

Policy review

All proposed to publish materials sent for review. For this edition of the magazine “Railway Transport of Ukraine” provides a selection of specialists able to competently assess your article.

Reviewers magazine editorial board members are, in some cases, may involve experts GP “DNDTS UZ” who possess relevant experience and qualifications.

For objectivity of the review editors technique uses “blind review”. Article sent reviewer electronic card with the reviewer (see. Example) without indication of personal data of the authors.

A review of the work includes assessment topicality, scientific novelty, the practical significance of the work and degree of compliance with the goals and conclusions.

The results of the review be notified edition in compressed form via e-mail, and then answer with a visa reviewer is sent to the editor in the paper version.

In case of positive reviews, if necessary, work with the authors to address comments made by the reviewer, and then sent to the paper layout.

If the article to make any fundamental amendments, after adjusting it sent to re-review. If the author of disagree with the conclusions of the reviewer – remark referred to in reviews may be challenged author.

In the case of non-publication of the article the author motivated sent a letter of explanation.

 The duties reviewer included:


  1. Determine whether material presented in the article to the journal.
  2. Rate the relevance of the content of the article: whether the level of material contained therein modern achievements of science and technology.
  3. Rate importance of research.
  4. Specify how into account requirements for the material of the article: matching volume of the article, the presence of annotations in Russian and English languages, the availability list of references and references to it in the text, contact information about authors and others.
  5. Give a qualitative and / or quantitative assessment described in фrticle material:
    The actual;
  6. Assess adequacy and reliability of the above information.
  7. Evaluate the accuracy and precision of the definitions and wording.
  8. Evaluate the style of presentation.
  9. Writing justified conclusions about sex in general, observations, if necessary – recommendations for its improvement.

Review form

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