Науково-практичний журнал "Залізничний транспорт України" ISSN 2311-4061

Terms submission for publication


Material submitted for publication must include the following components:

Introduction and problem statement (in general, as well as its relationship with the scientific and / or practical tasks);
Literary Review (existing methods, approaches, solutions);
purpose of the article;
basic material research (with substantiated results);
Literature (in original and in transliteration).
Material should be taught shortly sequentially, stylistically correctly. Terms and marking must meet applicable standards. It is desirable to avoid repetition and unnecessary detail previously published data – it is better to refer to the literature. Units should be submitted only in the system SI.

Responsibility for the materials cited in the article is the writer. Meanwhile editors reserve the right to require that articles submitted for publication in the magazine, accompanied by the relevant expert opinions and reviews.

The main method of submission for publication in ZTU is sending them by email as attachments at ztu@1520mm.com. In the letter, or in a separate file must be added the request to publish the material and assurances author (co-authors) is that these materials are previously unpublished and not submitted for publication in other editions.

Let’s send materials for publication courier or mail in electronic form on any media (CD, DVD, Blu-Gow, flash-drives) at the following: 03038, Kyiv, str. I.Fedorova, 39, DNDTS ultrasound Revision scientific and practical journal “Railway Transport of Ukraine”.

Basic requirements for material items:

1. Text (1st file) must be prepared in a text editor MS Word every generation Ukrainian or Russian. Getting article shall be made as follows: UDC detailed, name of the authors, their academic degrees, and full name and abbreviation job, then – title. Under the title of the article and key words that can be used when searching for publications temoyu.Formuly in the text must be typed in the formula editor Word. It is not desirable to place the formula by substituting (copy) them from MathCad, MathLab, LabView and other special packages. Despite the almost complete compatibility of programs for word processing, practical formulas embedded in Word with other packages, “slip” when you open the file on another computer. We should not paste in text or scanned handwritten formulas. Typically, the imposition of such images can be mistakes.

This also applies placed in the text of charts, tables, graphs – they must execute mass MS Word or MS Excell any generations.

There are special requirements for the illustrations in the form of pictures and photos. They must be submitted in separate files raster formats – jpeg, tif, gif, etc. – with a resolution of 300 dpi. The text of the article on the site should link to the image file name that corresponds to this figure.

You may place a text picture inserted in Word. But such a “plugged” picture can not be used to prepare articles for publication if it is not accompanied by a full raster file.

2. Image (2nd file) – is, in fact, drawings in raster format with a 300-point resolution referred to in paragraph 1.

3. News article (3) file Ukrainian (35-50 words), Russian (35-50 words) and common (100-250 words) in English.

4. Information about authors (4) file must include: Name (full Ukrainian, Russian and English – as in the passport), place of employment, academic degree (for his lack of qualifications by education – Bachelor, engineer , designer, economist, master, etc.), contact phone, e-mail of each author.

5. References (10-20 items) is on the requirements of GOST 7.1: 2006. Sources authors should be less than 30%. Preferably the presence of 30% of foreign sources.

6. Special information (optional 5) file with those wishes, which the author would like to inform the editorial staff to prepare his articles.

7. After the article for publication will be edited emailed licensing agreement that all authors must sign and return by E-mail and in paper form (with the “wet” signatures).

Materials are to be published and available in the order in which the editors receive them. For information about which room your article is published, you can obtain by sending a request by e-mail: ztu@1520mm.com and diaaan94@gmail.com